

    Children are the crops growing in the fields to yield the harvest on which the Nation has to sustain itself. The foundation of the nation’s future is built on them. They are the roots of the national tree which has to give the fruit of work, worship and wisdom to the next generation. The children have many miles to go and take the nation along with them to progress.
    The Three Prime persons responsible for moulding the future of the country are the …The Father, The Mother & The Teacher. Out of these, Teachers play the most important role as they are specially trained and selected for the job they voluntarily take up and therefore must carry out to the best of their ability, they are implicitly trusted by the child, the parents and the public alike. This trust has to be repaid by honest service. I would call upon the teaching fraternity to dedicate themselves to the service of the young for we live today to see tomorrow and together we shall make that morrow a very bright and glorious one.
    I wish you all happiness and success.